Circus Lorensberg takes shape


Design proposals for Cirkus Lorensberg have now been selected. The proposal from the OKK+/Sandellsandberg/GAJD team of architects will be the starting point for the continued detailed planning process.

In March 2021, after completing the pre-qualification process, four teams of architects were each commissioned to develop an individual design proposal for the approximately 250 new homes, commercial premises and a parking garage on the Cirkus site – one of Gothenburg’s most central locations. The four teams of architects reflected different approaches to architecture and, together with the assessment team, worked out their proposals, which were finalized in December 2021.

The assessment team, comprising representatives from Serneke, the City of Gothenburg and Architects Sweden ultimately found the “Cirkusplatsen” proposal from the OKK+/Sandellsandberg/GAJD team of architects to be the most suitable. The assessment team’s recommendation states:

“Through its strong and unique conceptual approach, well-founded in the soul of the site, as well as in their architecture, housing qualities and the robustness of their execution, the assessment team recommends the OKK+/Sandellsandberg/GAJD team’s proposal ‘Cirkusplatsen’ for further elaboration and as the starting point for the continued planning process in collaboration with the City of Gothenburg”

“The Circus district has two faces, outwards a more formal one reflecting the masonry nature of the historical city, while inwards a more relaxed face that lets in the sunlight and creates an extension to Lorensberg Park. There is room here for both old and new, soft and hard, the everyday, play and party,” says Karolina Keyzer, architect at OKK+

The Circus site, with its central location in Lorensberg Park, between Kungsportsavenyn and Södra vägen, has on several occasions been named as one of Sweden’s most attractive sites with great cultural-historical value.

“We have conducted an advanced design process around a highly visible and important site in the city. Four good proposals were assessed, each with a different solution for the relationship to the park and the historical city center. The selected proposal was judged to have resolved this optimally in terms of passages, public spaces and the healing together of this important place,” says Björn Siesjö, City Architect for the City of Gothenburg

Now that the place will again be a lively neighborhood that connects the parade route with the rest of the city, the focus has been on creating sustainable housing in mixed lease formats with business premises on the ground floor. The goal is to strengthen the area and establish safe walking routes around the neighborhood.

“It’s an amazing feeling to be involved in developing and refining such a unique site as the Circus site! From having been unused land with a heavily used parking garage, to now becoming nice homes with vibrant ground floor premises and inviting environments. Serneke is very happy to now be able to take another step towards commencing construction and later inaugurating a project that will increase security and movement in this corner of Lorensberg Park,” says Ola Serneke, President of Serneke Invest AB

Serneke won the land allocation competition for the Cirkus Lorensberg project in 2016. The detailed planning process began in September 2020 and is tentatively scheduled for completion in 2024.

Sofia Ulm Wallin

  • Project Manager
  • Kvarnbergsgatan 2, 411 05 Göteborg
  • +46(0)700-86 51 05

Johan Live

  • Public Relations Manager
  • Kvarnbergsgatan 2, 411 05 Gothenburg
  • +46(0)768-68 11 37

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